Caregiving at a Glance
Get Your Guidebook!
Caregiving at a Glance is Insight's fingertip guide for families caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's. Techniques and strategies to empower caregivers address topics such as: troublesome behaviors, communication, eating, bathing and more.
Updated 5th Edition
Updated 5th edition of Caregiving at a Glance is now available!
Inside we have compiled helpful hints and “aha’s” we have heard from families at Insight Memory Care Center. While each individual’s dementia journey is unique, we have found that using these techniques can empower you as a caregiver. Caregiving at a Glance will help you gain confidence and ease the burden as you walk alongside your loved one on their dementia journey.
Topics include: Diagnosis Dementia, Caregiving, Finding Additional Care, Eating and Mealtime, Sleeping, Bathing and Personal Care, Toileting, Communication, Troublesome Behaviors, Hostility and Aggression, Wandering, Activities, Tips for Travel, Home Safety, Giving Up the Keys, and a Medication Guide.
Get Your Copy Today!
For family caregivers, we have print copies available for FREE, thanks to the generosity of the Dreyfus Foundation.
For professionals, nonprofits, and educators, please contact if you're interested in bulk orders. Please contact us for more information!
Want to Learn More?
Our Caregiving at a Glance Workshop explores the guidebook together! Five weekly sessions include an educational portion, group discussion, and interactive activities as we digest and apply each chapter of Insight’s Caregiving at a Glance guide. Guest facilitators will also provide expert advice for each session topic. A one-hour consultation is included at the end of the series to apply course learning to your specific family situation. Upcoming workshop dates are listed below!
New workshop dates to come in 2025!
"I like the people, the programs, the support, the knowledge I gained as caregiver. That my wife flourished (and was improving, I thought) while she participated."