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Early Stage Recreation Team

Our Early Stage Recreation Team, from top left: Krista, Olivia, Sarah, Mary, Melissa, Lindsey, Ericha

Meet our Early Stage Recreation Team!

Our Early Stage Reconnections program builds community in Fairfax, Sterling, Alexandria, and online; Insight is so lucky to have an amazing team of recreation staff leading a variety of activities at each program. Whether it’s a lively reminiscence discussion, cornhole trivia, or an artist spotlight, our rec team provides engagement for each participant based on their interests and abilities. As we celebrate Recreation Therapy month, meet the early stage team!

Lindsey Vajpeyi

Director of Early Stage Programs

What is your favorite activity to create or lead in Reconnections? I love cornhole trivia, because I love the combo of brain and body work and seeing everyone work together in teams!

If I had to describe Reconnections in one word, it would be: Fun!

What is something we should know about you? I love to bake cakes and cheesecakes! I’m terrible at decorating so they don’t look like much, but they taste really good!

Mary Ager

Early Stage Program Assistant

What is your favorite activity to create or lead in Reconnections? My favorite activity to create and present usually has something to do with music, like Name that Tune, Finish the Lyric, or  Commercial Jingles! I can’t sing very well but I do it anyway and the participant will sing with me which is especially rewarding to see. Bonus if there is dancing involved.

If I had to describe Reconnections in one word, it would be: Engaging

What is something we should know about you? I am an undercover karaoke star bringing my own fake/toy microphones to concerts (for everyone in my party!) We provide back up for whatever artist we are seeing.

Melissa Para

Early Stage Coordinator, Fairfax

What is your favorite activity to create or lead in Reconnections? Anything that involves reminiscing and socialization. It is great to hear and learn from everyone's past experiences.

If I had to describe Reconnections in one word, it would be: An enthusiastic community! 

What is something we should know about you? I have a passion for animals, especially dogs. If I am caught in a conversation about puppies/dogs, good luck trying to get me to stop!

Ericha Abellanosa

Early Stage Program Assistant, Fairfax

What is your favorite activity to create or lead in Reconnections? Any hands-on activity, such as Find the Connection; I enjoy seeing our participants engage and work with one another.

If I had to describe Reconnections in one word, it would be: Fascinating 

What is something we should know about you? I really enjoy trying new things, such as visiting new places and eating different cuisines!

Olivia Powell

Early Stage Coordinator, Sterling

What is your favorite activity to create or lead in Reconnections? Any activity that revolves around team building and connection. I think the best example would be Scavenger Hunts (problem-solving and critical thinking skills are being used). I love watching the participants teaming up together to reach the end goal.

If I had to describe Reconnections in one word, it would be: Engaging!

What is something we should know about you? I have visited 6 different national parks/historical areas in ONE trip!

Sarah Arthurs

Early Stage Program Assistant, Sterling

What is your favorite activity to create or lead in Reconnections? Brain fitness! It feels like building a puzzle or game.

If I had to describe Reconnections in one word, it would be: Community

What is something we should know about you? I am very much a cat person! and a Swiftie! I also enjoy crocheting and coloring.

Krista Schline

Therapeutic Recreation Intern

What is your favorite activity to create or lead in Reconnections? Anything creative or social - which are a lot of our activities! I truly see the positive outcomes outpouring from our activities, like reminiscence journal prompts and giant Jenga. All these activities are purposeful and seeing the smiles on the participant’s faces is the best part.

If I had to describe Reconnections in one word, it would be: It’s tough to pick just one word, but what I love most about Reconnections are the laughs shared, the ability to be playful when engaging in leisure, the bonds created, and the overall understanding of one another. To put it simply, connections!

What is something we should know about you? I have 3 older cats with disabilities and enjoy interpersonal 1:1 conversations (not necessarily with my cats!).


Still curious about what Recreation Therapy really is? Read more in It's Recreation Therapy Month...what exactly is rec therapy?

And get to know our Day Center Recreation Team!






"I like that IMCC focuses on dementia-related problems and provides a focal point for families to network and socially interact in coping with dementia. It provides a community that helps us in our struggle."