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Annual Report

A Year in Review: July 2020 to June 2021

If we’ve learned anything this year, it’s that we’re stronger together. Take a look inside the report to learn more about who we are and what we do, how we handled all the changes 2020 brought, and how we ended up serving even more families in need - in the midst of a pandemic!

From this report, we hope you’ll take away that Insight has come out of this year stronger than ever. We’re stronger together - and that’s with you. All our participants, families, and supporters who have stuck with us through quite a year - you’re the reason we’re still passionate, and keep helping each family navigate through their own dementia journey.



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Our Impact

"I am so glad my husband attended the last six months. They were some of his happiest days. I'm thankful or each of your staff for welcoming and loving him!"