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We Need to Talk: Tough Conversations with an Aging Loved One

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
7:00 pm8:00 pm

Are your parents living a full life and thriving? Do they get out of the house as much as they like or should, see friends, stay fit, eat well and seem genuinely engaged? If the answer is no and you're finding they are lonely, left with an empty fridge or having trouble with daily routines, it may be time to speak with them about researching better options. We are here to help you learn where to start that conversation, and what to say.

This webinar is hosted by The Providence Fairfax, and presented by Insight Memory Care Center.


"I like the people, the programs, the support, the knowledge I gained as caregiver. That my wife flourished (and was improving, I thought) while she participated."