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To Our Caregivers

Each year when February rolls around, we take inventory of the vast amount of LOVE that is shared by all who are a part of our organization. The love on display between Insight staff to one another, the socially distant hugs amongst participants, and the audible laughs and joy that echo Insight walls, all warms us to the core. This year, we have had the privilege of seeing the love, laughs, and encouragement between participants who have never met in person, but have connected through our Insight at Home Virtual Program. Love here knows no bounds.

However, I do not know that in my time with this organization - or in my life - I have ever witnessed a greater act of love than the endless compassion on display from those caring for someone with memory impairment. To the care partners, adult children, friends, neighbors, and all of those helping to care for someone, thank you. We see you, we appreciate you, and we love you!

Thank you for your undying dedication to your loved one’s quality of life, often putting their needs so far above your own, you don’t even realize you’re doing it. Thank you for endless patience, even in the midst of frustration. Thank you for your flexibility, and trust in chartering this unchartered disease course. And most of all, thank you on behalf of your loved ones. We, and they, could not do our jobs without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

In case you may have forgotten how valued and appreciated you are, we are here to remind you. You are the unsung heroes of our community, sharing the most love of all.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Katelyn and all of the Insight Family


"I like that IMCC focuses on dementia-related problems and provides a focal point for families to network and socially interact in coping with dementia. It provides a community that helps us in our struggle."